Saturday, August 4, 2007

Good News

The results from the lab today are pretty clear that Bethena's NOT Addisonian. While it's frustrating to know that it's fairly likely that she's got some sort of food intolerance (those can be very hard to pin down), it's good to know that I don't need to worry about things like obedience trials and heat stressing her out any more than they might any other dog. (The really interesting part of this is that we stim-tested another dog the same day. This other dog had fewer changes than Bethena (who had relatively mild changes) but came back as Addisonian. She did much better yesterday after getting some steroids and will start regular treatment next week.)

Bethena must have known that I was less stressed this afternoon; she was less stressed, too. We played lots of frisbee (in bursts -- while it was less hot, it was still wicked hot for this part of New Hampshire) and she really enjoyed herself. Iggy helped by pointing out to her that what he perceives as the boredom of continuously retrieving the same object can be alleviated by playing tug-of-war with said object. As far as self-actualization goes, you can't get much better than a Labrador playing so hard that collapse on a shady spot of lawn is more important than eating delicacies such as fermented-lawn-mower-grass-leavings and mushrooms.

Now they are both sacked out napping, Iggy on the couch and Bethena on the floor at my feet. They attended to my wounds when I came in from berry picking with layers of mosquito bites. While I suppose that some of their ministrations were due to sweat and salt, I'd like to think that some were due to them knowing how inflamed my skin was and how much I needed a good Labrador lick.

I'll see how the day goes tomorrow, but if they seem happy I might try some very informal fun rally-type stuff in the front yard. When Bethena's in that groove (as she was in Boston in June) and when Iggy's in a spot where he's not distracted, they have lots of fun with that -- and that's the whole point, having fun.


Anonymous said...

Great news as far as Bethena is concerned....I was hoping for good things for you and your far as Iggy and self actualization goes...good for him...he inately knows that physical needs are not as important as Maslow claims...{example. eating..mushrooms...grass clippings...basic physical needs...I suppose only when you are a dog of course...self actualization might manifest as collaping on a shady spot ...nice topic .as far as mosiqutos go...they hate me thank god....I probably spelled it wrong...anyways I sort of have a Labrador friend at my feet because she ate wood and is now eating grass because she feels like crap...Hope your dogs are tending to your mosquito suggestion aside from the Labrador Lick is a Benadryl really soothes any sort of bug bite

Anonymous said...

Somebody just set off a ton of firecrackers and my dogs are going nuts...and the worst part about it is..none of these people live here...they are all seasonal people..

Anonymous said...

Thank you from "my kids" and myself for you taking an enormous amount..{.of your time} make sure that both of my kids were carefully examined for current/ongoing problems...all are doing super..

Anonymous said...

I am curious to know from past Bethena and Iggy blog entries...what exactly constitutes getting the "ya-yas " out....interesting phrase..haven't heard of it there certain criteria that my dogs need to know about as well as myself before we go after trying to get the"ya-yas" out..?

Anonymous said...

Seems like your stuck on August fourth....which is okay....for whatever reason..your...dogs of course must be the route of the delay......

Kris said...

Hey Di - I'm late but thought I'd check in via blog. Now that the kids are back in school (did you hear party music in the background???) I have time to do these things. Amelia can't wait to come over and see Mabel.

Anonymous said...

I suppose creating a blog could be considered by some as a form of narcissism...only if of course one solely talks about oneself...but this not being the case with you and your's, because the beauty of this lies in your sharing with us, the highs and lows of Bethena and Iggy's adventures and this fact far exceeds the fairly weak and easily extinguishable word narcissism....please forgive the semantics and psychology background but I must say that the bottom line from me and my dogs is to send.... peace to you and your" kids "[Even though Cesar Milan would say that they are not our kids....that they are dogs}Stay in the ring....move on and rock on......

Kris said...

Where are the Iggy/Bethena updates? What are you busy or something???

Anonymous said...

i have been an all too infrequent visitor, but have enjoyed the posts and comments. nice to have kids, this i know.
